28 Questions To Ask Your Architect
What is your process?
How long have you been in business?
How many plans have you designed?
How does your fee structure work?
Do you charge for changes?
What separates you from other firms?
How often would you visit our job site?
Are site visits included in your fees? Y/N
What is and isn’t included in your fee?
What does your plan set look like?
How often do you create new plans?
What software do you use?
How quickly can our house plans be created?
Have you personally ever built a home?
Have you built any other significant structures? Y/N If so, what?
What was the last thing you have built?
Do you recommend any non-traditional materials or products? Y/N If so, what?
Who was your favorite client? Why?
Who is your least favorite client? Why?
How would you describe “value engineering”?
How do you specifically incorporate “value engineering” into your plan designs?
My budget is ____________________. Can my project be built for that amount? Yes/No
How can you be sure my budget will or won’t work?
Do you have homes I can walk through? Yes/No Address: ____________________.
How quickly will you return my phone calls or emails?
Will you work with my builder and interior designer to make sure my home will be built exactly as I designed it? Y/N What if I make changes along the way?
Who are 3 references you have designed for in the past 3-5 years that I can talk to?
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________What would your past clients say your strengths and weaknesses in building are?
-Strengths ____________________
-Weakness ____________________