20 Questions To Ask Before You Buy Land
Is this the right location for me?
Is this lot flat or sloped and does it matter?
Does my budget include planning and building retaining walls which can cost $30k-$150k?
Is this property governed by an HOA? (homeowners association)
Is there a clear/clean title on the property?
Are the property lines clearly market?
Do I know who the internet provider is, and do I like them?
Have I met the neighbors and do I like them?
Are my top three amenities that I must have, located closet to where this property is located? (Costco, schools, restaurants, shopping centers, etc.)
Have I called the city to find out their building requirements? (setbacks, easements, max lot coverage, max height, soils reports, etc?)
Are there any overhead power lines on this property that might affect future swimming pool locations, landscaping, etc.?
Are there underground gas lines?
Are there irrigation canals nearby?
Are there flooding concerns?
What is the water table for my property?
Are there any fault lines on my property?
Am I required to make any improvements to the land upon building? (sidewalks, landscaping, etc.?)
Are the utilities stubbed into my land? (sewer, water, gas, electricity?)
Is there room on my property to keep the excavation dirt or do I need to budget to haul it away?
Are there views I wish to capture?