25 Questions To Ask Before You Build
Why am I building a home? (What is your pain?)
Have I been prequalified for a loan or am I paying cash?
Where do I want to live?
What are the top three amenities that I need to be close to where I build?
What size home do I want?
What style exterior do I want?
Will this home be a rambler or a two story or other?
Have I drawn a simple bubble diagram to layout the approximate spaces for my home?
Have I called the city to find out any special requirements they might have? (setback, easements, lot coverage, max height, etc.?)
Does the land I plan on building on have slope or is it flat? (which direction does it slope?)
Have I checked the CC&R’s for my property?
Does my property belong to an HOA? (homeowners association)
Are there overhead power lines on my property? (this could affect swimming pool location, landscaping, etc.)
Are there underground gas lines?
Are there irrigation ditches near my property?
Do I have a sewer connection to my land and what depth is it at?
Is there a max height for my home in the city I’m building?
Is there a max lot coverage for the footprint of the home I’m building?
How will I use this home? (do I cook a lot, entertain, work from home, have a lot of toys in the garage, etc.?)
Where are the utilities located on your property?
Are there views I need to plan for?
Who will be my builder? (owner build, contractor, partnership)
Who will be my architect/home designer?
Who will be my interior designer?
What kind of finishes, appliances, flooring, etc. am I wanting?